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Writer's pictureAlberto Rizzotti

The North Face

What a difference a day makes. Today was a nearly perfect day. We were invigorated the moment we saw Fitzroy clearly visible from our hotel window. Early on, we packed lunch into our backpack and drove the 40 kilometers to Lago del Desierto, from where we enjoyed a magnificent view of the North Face of the mountain, made famous by the logo of the clothing line by the same name, although it did not need that promotion to become known. It is one of the most difficult peaks to climb in the world, and only a handful of people have succeeded.

We nearly logged 30,000 steps trekking up a steep, craggy path to the Huemul Glacier. Along the way, the spring of the Rio Fitzroy, from the meltwater of the glacier, was flowing rapidly to the valley below.

Part of the steep climb

At the glacier

From town you could see the South Face, which is no less impressive. This is a most stunning area, with vistas that are hard to match anywhere on this planet. All the arduous driving, the wind, the dust, are now but a memory, and it was well worth it.

Of course Fitzroy, though spectacular, is not the only mountain worthy of mention. From here an incredible array of peaks, valleys and glaciers expand all the way to the Pacific ocean and northward all the way to Colombia. Not owning an airplane I could not have been able to take the picture below, but I took a photo of a poster in our hotel, that will give you a good visual of what lies beyond. It is the first photo below, the others, of course, I’ve taken.

On the way back, we picked up yet another few hitchhikers, a young man from Uruguay, and then two young ladies from Israel. Together we visited an impressive waterfall.

It’s always so interesting to hear the life-stories of others, and El Chalten is a great place to make acquaintances of all types. I certainly would rate it as one of the best places ever visited, and Diane wholly agrees.

Tomorrow we will be driving another 200 kilometers further south yet, to the town of El Calafate, where we will be visiting the southern part of Perito Moreno National Park. We are loving it. Hasta Mañana.

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Feb 02, 2022

Maestoso !!!!!!!

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