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Writer's pictureAlberto Rizzotti

The Biblical Journey, continued…

Yesterday was quite the long day. Our journey took us once again to the north of Israel, however in a more easterly direction. Our first destination, the town of Nazareth, a place that is pluri-mentioned in the Bible.


This is where the Angel allegedly informed Mary of her pending virgin pregnancy. The Church of the Annunciation is a place to behold, built, supposedly, on the very site where the annunciation happened, which is to say, Mary’s own house.

Plaques commemorating the various Popes’ visits, as well as artwork of all types, gifted by hundreds of countries around the world, hung from many walls. As with all the sites in Jerusalem, as well as Nazareth, pilgrims flock here from all corners of the globe. Once again, you are permeated by a feeling of being close to God, you sense the history of Christianity all around you.

Entering Nazareth

Between Mary's and Joseph's houses

Commemorating Pope BenedictXVI's visit

Mary's house, upon which the Annunciation Church was built

The USA's artistic donation

Just above Mary’s house is the house of Joseph and his carpentry shop. It’s illuminating to see the proximity in which the two lived. You could almost envision the situation at the time, with the Angel first announcing to Mary, then appearing to Joseph to explain the Lord’s doing. Just amazing. Of course, Joseph’s abode is also now where another church has been built.

Overexposed picture of Joseph's statue

Joseph's house remnants

Stairway to Joseph's carpentry shop

From here we continued on to the shores of the Sea of Galilee, recounted in the New Testament as where Jesus gave His sermon on the mount, walked on the water to reach Peter’s boat and multiplied the loaves and the fishes. This is also the place where He made His third apparition after resurrecting. Another place of awe!

At the Sea of Galilee

Pilgrims in the water of the Sea of Galilee

Statue of Jesus and Peter

A bit further on, near the Syrian border, we visited the town of Capernaum, the city where Jesus lived. Here you can see the actual layout and ruins of the ancient city and you can imagine Jesus walking its narrow paths. There are also remnants of the synagogue where Jesus preached, all within proximity, and the house of Simon Peter, the Apostle, upon the ruins of which there is also now a church.

Statue of Jesus sleeping on a bench

Capernaum, remnants of the old city

More of Capernaum

More of Capernaum

Sitting at Jesus' synagogue

Simon Peter the apostle's home

After visiting these historic and faithful places, the long drive back to Tel Aviv awaited us.

Sun almost setting on the way back to Tel Aviv

Unfortunately, upon reaching the sprawling city, a massive civil protest against the government, with tens of thousands demonstrators, had blocked the entire freeway that would take us to the hotel. It took us longer to navigate through the traffic it caused, then the two and a half hour ride back from Capernaum. We got home exhausted and ready for bed.

Today, our flight out of Israel is not until 10 PM. This gave us a chance to spend more time in this “white city”. We decided to have a relaxing time, and chose a semi-deserted beach on the outskirts, called Tel Bachar Beach, where we enjoyed the sunny day, reading our books, feeding the numerous birds the remains of the Challa loaf of bread we had left.

I am now finally able to write this blog, and hopefully post it before our plane takes off, in the Ben Gurion airport. Hope you enjoyed it.

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1 Comment

Feb 12, 2023

I'm in awe. Thank you for sharing these photos.

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