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Writer's pictureAlberto Rizzotti

Fremantle. A really cool town.

I must confirm today everything that I said yesterday about Fremantle. This place is truly awesome, full of good vibes; and it still remains a city that no picture can do any justice to.

Our plan was to catch the ferry to Rotnast Island and enjoy a day of beaching and wildlife watching; the island is known for Quokkas, cute bundles of fur that can only be found here, but the ferries were overbooked as this is the weekend when Australians are travelling all about in celebration of their discovery. But we didn't mind, as we thoroughly enjoy it here, preferring it to its sister city Perth.

And it was a sunny, balmy day, just perfect for walking about, having a couple of beers, tasting delectable Indonesian and Indian meals, checking out interesting museums, and even squeezing in some sun-tanning and a massage.

I realize that a day like this offers little of interest to a blog reader, but we must also savor life in all its elements. There will be plenty of time to post more interesting writings and more alluring photos, in fact, beginning tomorrow when we start heading north, into the bush and indeed into the outback of this amazing continent.

A most interesting place we visited today was the Shipwreck Museum, dedicated to vessels (mostly Dutch) that sunk offshore in the 1600 and 1700s, and recently salvaged from the abyss, as well as the stories of their crews, some of whom managed to make it ashore only to succumb to the brutalities of a land without meaningful water sources and a variety of poisonous creatures that here abound .

This photo is that of the skeleton of one of the first Europeans that perished in Australia in the 17th century.

To sweeten the pot, I will add a couple of other photos taken here and there. If you try hard you may be able to take in the vibe of Fremantle, and truly, that is simply what this place is all about.

No worries, as everyone seems to say here.

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