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Writer's pictureAlberto Rizzotti

A most gracious host

Alicia, the owner of the beautiful finca in San Juan, proved to be an exemplary host.

Loved this guy

While some of the grapes in her vineyards are indeed used for winemaking, we were surprised to hear that the majority are actually being used for making raisins, of which Argentina is a major world producer. She took us in her car to visit the raisin plant, where we learned the drying and packing process, and subsequently, to a pistachio orchard.

Truck on the scale at the processing plant

Raisins ready to be cleaned and processed

The grapes are put to dry on huge nets over a large field, and left there for 2 weeks before cleaning and processing

Have you ever seen a pistachio orchard? We certainly hadn’t.

While still at the finca, some of her sheep were being sheared for wool, and we were pleased to also be witnesses to that event.

We then drove back to Mendoza, returned to the restaurant where we had enjoyed a great lunch on our previous stay here, and made a reservation for tomorrow at a large winery where we will be having lunch and get a tour. See you tomorrow!!

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